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Why Your Website Must Have Responsive Web Design | Shopweb

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Why Your Website Must Have Responsive Web Design | Shopweb

Why Your Website Must Have Responsive Web Design | Shopweb

Responsive web design is a must have for any website in today’s date and age.  Sites that lack mobile-friendliness are more likely to lose visitors as well as rank worse on search engine results. 

 Can you remember the last time you were not within 10 feet of your phone? Millions of individuals just like you use their phones and tablets for everything — including searching the Internet — especially when they want information.

What is Responsive Web Design?


Responsive web design is when a website will respond or change according to a visitor’s device. For instance, if you were to view our website on a desktop and then on a phone, our website will adapt to your screen size to make it easy to read.

Responsive Web Design & SEO


On April 21st, 2015, Google released an update it its algorithm that affected how websites ranked on Google. Search Engine Journal Called the Update “Mobilegeddon”. The update affected every single website on the internet and how they ranked on Google. This update requires websites to be mobile-friendly to qualify for betting rankings on Google’s search engine results. The best way to check if your website is mobile-friendly is to use Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool.

Here is what the update affected:

  • Affects only search rankings on mobile devices.
  • Affects search results in all languages globally.
  • Applies to individual pages, not entire websites.


Statistics of Mobile Usage


So Our Question is  why responsive web design is important.  Each and Every Day, more and more people are using their smartphones for everything to running businesses, watching TV shows, and listening to music.  If you have a website, you will get visitors that are on their phone.  Here are some statistics about mobile internet traffic:

  • According to Statistics of a US Based Company, “In 2019, 54.4 % of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 % in the previous year.”


  • According to Google 51% of customers use their  mobile devices to discover new brands and products .


  • 89% of people are likely to recommend a brand after a positive brand experience on Mobile –According to Google.


Better User Experience


Responsive web design creates a seamless user experience. It reduces confusion, creates ease of navigability, makes sure font sizes are easy to read, and creates an opportunity for a visitor to browse your website without leaving.  User experience also affects your websites SEO because the longer visitors stay on your website, the better your website will rank.



Responsive web design is now a trend in today’s web design environment.  It is here to stay and has even become a must-do for any website.  Responsive web design will help you rank better on search engine results pages and create a pleasurable experience for your website guests.  Therefore Your website must, , be responsive enough to offer these users the best experience possible. This will drive up sales and generate new leads for your business.

20 June 2020

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